abstract building
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Conceptual approach

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    Standard page types are available for the Munich Re corporate website.

    Page types are conceptual guidelines for your page creation. They are used to standardize the structure of pages for different contents with the same communication goal to ensure a consistent user experience.

    For information about templates, please see functions, components, and templates.

    The page types for the Munich Re corporate website are grouped into company page types (used for content about the company, e.g., About us, Investor relations, Media relations, etc.) and business page types (used for content that describes risks and Munich Re’s solutions and products).

    Only for the business page type "Risks" we use a different background colour to distinguish this section from the other sections of the website: Everything concerning the risk is in dark mode.

    Below is an overview of page types for the Munich Re corporate website, including live examples.

    Home page type

    Communication goals

    • Gives user immediate overview and orientation 
    • Routes to deeper levels
    • Shapes brand image of Munich Re

    Business page types

    Business page types are used for content that describes risks and Munich Re’s solutions and products. 

    Overview page types

    Risk pages differ from the other page types as they have a dark background. In the upper part of the Risks page the user is informed about the risk, below in the bright area of the page the suitable solutions are offered.

    Page goals

    • Establish thought leadership
    • Route to deeper levels
    • Route to solution portfolio

    Character of page

    • Storytelling page showcasing an overall challenge (risk) in a specific market segment (i.e. cyber risks). The user can relate to by recognizing his/her own pain point.​
    • Gives insights on challenges, trends and developments for a specific risk. Teasers on the page link to the corresponding solution page(s).​

    Page goals

    • Inform on portfolio​
    • Generate leads0
    • Route to deeper levels

    Character of page

    • Solution page is a factual page offering the Munich Re solution/product to a risk in a specific market segment ​(i.e. CyberOne in Cyberrisks). ​
    • This page gives your user in-depth information on a specific solution (or service or tool).​
    • Provides an overview about the solution portfolio

    Detail page types

    Risk pages differ from the other page types as they have a dark background. In the upper part of the Risks page the user is informed about the risk, below in the bright area of the page the suitable solutions are offered.

    Page goals

    • Establish thought leadership
    • Route to deeper levels
    • Route to solution portfolio

    Character of page

    • Storytelling page showcasing an overall challenge (risk) in a specific market segment (i.e. cyber risks). The user can relate to by recognizing his/her own pain point.​
    • Gives insights on challenges, trends and developments for a specific risk. Teasers on the page link to the corresponding solution page(s).​

    Page goals

    • Inform on portfolio​
    • Generate leads

    Character of page

    • Solution page is a factual page offering the Munich Re solution/product to a risk in a specific market segment ​(i.e. CyberOne in Cyberrisks). ​
    • This page gives your user in-depth information on a specific solution (or service or tool).​

    Page goals

    • Lead users to one specific CTA for a limited timeframe​
    • Inform users about a campaign, event, specific topic during ​a limited time

    Character of page

    • A Campaign page is not included in the navigation of the Munich Re website, it stands alone.​
    • It leads users to ONE specific CTA, e.g. contact, lead generation, newsletter subscription, download. Campaign pages focus on maximization of conversion rate. ​
    • Campaign pages only exist for a limited timeframe e.g. in the context of a campaign or an event. They should not be used for products/ solutions without time limitation.​
    • Links which might distract users from clicking the CTA should be avoided.

    Page goals

    • Establish thought leadership​
    • Provide information on market development and trends​

    Character of page

    • Provides in-depth information on market development and trends.​
    • Hidden in navigation of corporate website. Only reached via google/social media and links das hafrom risks and solution pages.

    Corporate page types

    Company page types are used for content about the company, e.g., About us, Investor relations, Media relations, etc.

    Overview page types


    • Use only for entry pages in the company path, e.g. Investor Relations, Careers, Corporate Responsibility etc.
    • For an emotional approach the page starts with a larger visual including a slider with CTA for several topics of the respective navigation path.
    Communication goals
    • Gives user immediate overview and orientation
    • Routes to deeper levels
    • Shapes brand image of Munich Re


    • Use only for overview pages within the company section, i.g. Central Procurement, Munich Re as an employer, Areas of expertise, etc.
    • To allow a more emotional approach, the page may start with a visual.

    Page goals

    • Gives user immediate overview and orientation of categories in this section of the CW
    • Routes to deeper levels
    • Shapes brand image of Munich Re


    • Has no other purpose than to route the user to deeper page levels or provide the user with an overview of underlying pages.
    • This page type may be used in any path at routing level.
    • Try to limit the use of this page type by creating flat information architectures.

    Page goals

    • Route to deeper levels

    Detail page types


    • It serves for any kind of in-depth content in the deepest routing level in the company section.
    • It may be used for detail levels in Investor Relations, Media Relations, About Munich Re, Career and Sustainability.

    Page goals

    • Inform
    • Shape Munich Re’s image
    • Contact

    Key enablement attribute

    • Contact


    • Use only for Media Informations in the Media Relations path.
    • Includes component "Time stamp" showing release time and date

    Target group

    • Private investors
    • Institutional investors
    • Institutional analysts

    Page goals

    • Inform
    • Offer self-service


    • Use only for Media Informations in the Media Relations path.
    • Includes component "Time stamp" showing release date

    Target group

    • Journalists

    Page goals

    • Inform
    • Offer self-service


    • Use only for events and seminars
    • Includes component "save the date”

    Page goals

    • Inform

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    Still have questions?

    If you have any questions regarding the corporate design, please do not hesitate to contact the brand management team for support.