Brand positioning

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    Our brand positioning defines how we wish to be perceived by our distinct target audiences – our promise, unique benefits, and values they should associate with Munich Re. The brand positioning provides the foundation for all Munich Re communication, so it's critical that anyone creating branding collateral be familiar with it and strive to reflect it throughout their work.

    The following section introduces you to the key elements of our brand positioning. For detailed information on our messaging, our narrative, and our tone of voice, please download the positioning and tone-of-voice guidelines at the bottom of this page.

    Our unique brand positioning was developed with the goal of evolving our brand message into one that is more personal, emotional, and purpose driven. It centers on our updated Brand Promise, which reflects Munich Re’s unique contribution: 

    “Pushing the boundaries of insurability to let the world advance with confidence”

    The following competencies serve as reasons to believe in our unique promise and should be integrated within all communications as often as possible where appropriate: 

    Munich Re is able to push the boundaries of insurability because:

    • We have expertise in most every type and complexity of risk. 
    • We are pioneers in emerging risks: NatCat, Climate, Cyber, Reputation.
    • We are at the forefront of digital innovation for better risk assessment and prevention.

    And Munich Re can let the world advance with confidence because:

    • As the world’s most resilient and knowledgeable partner, we help minimize losses, so the world can be braver and better in facing change. 
    • We are a global leader with the scale and capacity for worldwide impact. 
    • We create sustainable solutions that support our clients in breaking new ground for a better and more sustainable future.

    Our brand values remain the cornerstones of Munich Re’s attitude and personality. We are:

    Please download the guidelines to familiarise yourself with all the elements of the brand positioning in more detail.

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    Still have questions?

    If you have any questions regarding the corporate design, please do not hesitate to contact the brand management team for support.